Friday 28 June 2019

recommendations on rain water harvesting

To General Public
1. Roof Top Rain water 
need to be directed to sump with the help of a filter
or to be directed to lawn open space or non paved area or rwh pit outside the house.
But should not be left into drainage.
2. A rwh pit preferebly should be constructed outside the house
Because All roofs in a colony is 20 % only. Roads, and other open areas together is 80%.

3. If an individual cant afford to construct, a group of 4 to 8 houses can construct a bigger pit. All houses will be benefitted

4. If a colony is 30 acres, 30 big pits are enough to capture rain in this 30 acres. ( 10 injection wells, 20 percolation pits). All the houses need to divert water into road side. But not into sewer drainage.

5. A silt trap is a must for every rwh pit. (10% of volume of main PIT). All old / existing pits need to be added with a small silt trap.

6. An rwh need to be maintained once after every 2 rains. ( rainy season :: monthly 3 times, non rainy season monthly once)
To Government

1. A rain water harvesting department should be started in hwmssb for implementation. Right now only one employee is there and limited for site selection only.
2. GHMC / HMWSSB should collect data from all the houses if a each house has RWH pit or not.
3. For each ward of GHMC must have trained people to construct RWH.  Employment can be generated too.
4. Govt should talk to banks to provide loan for rwh.
5. Govt Should start strictly implementing rwh on bigger gated communities, high rise buildings immediately. They are extensively squeezing the ground water.
6. Save the existing lakes and construct small lakes in govt lands. Should encorage all institutions with huge lands to construct small lakes. building a lake is more easy and economical than constructing rwh. It will beautify the area too.
7. Govt should start a one week - to - 1 year diploma course on RWH, sanitation and other water issues. This subject should be added to relevent existing courses like btech civil.
8. Leftover construction debris all over the city is a big problem for rain water infiltration. These days robo dust is being used instead of river sand for construction. Both of these to be cleared after construction activity to effective recharge of rain water in the surroundings.

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